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If you haven’t had your plumbing system checked in awhile, we recommend calling us out before the cold really hits. However, there are a few things you can do yourself to make sure your home is ready for the wintertime.
One of the biggest things we see is a client forgetting to disconnect hoses from their hose bibbs. That can lead to freezing pipes and, ultimately, a leak within your home.
So remind yourself at Halloween or at the last cutting of the grass to walk the outside of your home. Drain the water from the hoses, disconnect the hose bibbs (even the frost-free type), and then find the valves that lead to those hose bibbs and turn them off.
Right after you remove your hoses, it’s a good time to remind yourself to change the filter in your furnace.
If you have a heat pump system, check for debris: leaves, tarps, or anything that could prevent it from working properly.
Make sure you give your basement a good look around to make sure there aren’t any components that are leaking.
While you’re in the basement, look at your water heater to make sure there are no signs of water or dripping. And check your sump pump to make sure it’s plugged in, and that the crock is filled with water. You might even want to make it pump out to make sure it’s working well.
If you have any questions about steps in the process, you can reach MoreVent at 1-610-257-7702.