Need An Air Conditioning Or Heating Technician? Call MoreVent Heating Cooling Plumbing Today At 1-610-257-7702 Or Click To Contact Us Online.
We all know that an air conditioning system is a big consumer of energy. When yours isn’t tuned up, you could be wasting as much as thirty to thirty-five percent on your utility usage. We recommend a spring check-up so we make sure you’re your system is working efficiently.
Cleaning it up
We start with a cleaning. Dirt and debris are the biggest factors when it comes to a reduction in efficiency. We use a foaming coil wash that breaks down the dirt and debris. A twentieth of an inch of dirt can reduce your system’s capacity by as much at twenty-one percent, which means it’s going to have to work that much harder and longer to do the job you expect. With a good cleaning, we can actually save you as much as twenty-five percent on your utility usage!
Electrical inspection
After cleaning, we move on to the electrical components to make sure that they’re operating within the manufacturer’s specifications. Because of this, system will use less electricity and save you money in the long run.
Why it matters
When you have dirty components, like a dirty inside coil, we see a reduction in air flow. From a heating perspective, your furnace is going to have to work really hard to move the air through the system. In addition, by not moving the right amount of air across the furnace, you tend to create scenarios where you’re overhearing components within the system. And that could cause premature failure.
Saving money on your utility bill is a bonus, but ensuring that your system isn’t going to give out on you early is going to give you peace of mind.
A spring check-up gets you started. After we’ve checked out your system, we’ll recommend our Club Membership program, which puts you on our calendar for routine maintenance once a year. We’ll clean and inspect both your heating and air conditioning system during those check-ups and make sure everything is running properly. Call us for your next check-up at 1-610-257-7702.