Need An Air Conditioning Or Heating Technician? Call MoreVent Heating Cooling Plumbing Today At 1-610-257-7702 Or Click To Contact Us Online.
Dear Friend,
Did you know that you can actually replace your old, inefficient furnace and air conditioner this month for an average of $3,909 less than you would have to pay in-season?
Every year, the months of March and April can kill my business. I can end up losing a ton of money during these months and it can take me the remaining months to make up for them. And, I’m willing to do what it takes to make sure that doesn’t happen in 2021.
I’ve decided to stop focusing on making a profit during the “killer” months. If I can only keep all of my employees working during March and April, I will come out ahead for the other months.
I refuse to let my technicians go home without work. So, I placed a purchase order with a major distributor for 68 complete home comfort systems and significantly discounted them for immediate installation. This way I can pay all of my overhead and insure my technicians will not go home without work.
These are brand new models, and they are NOT seconds or “blems.” They are factory-fresh air conditioners and furnaces and have a 12-year parts + labor warranty.
By combining this standard furnace, deluxe air conditioner and coil package (plus heat pumps and air handlers), then combining my purchase price for a deluxe air conditioner and coil with only the labor, materials and overhead to install the furnace, you’ll be able to buy a complete home comfort system for an average of $3,909 less than our in-season prices.
So, if you buy one of these 68 new, deluxe air conditioners, I am “giving” you the furnace and all I ask for is the $3,072 in labor and extra materials to have your indoor unit installed.
Call us at 1-610-257-7702. One of my Comfort Advisors will come out and perform a complete home energy analysis. The Comfort Advisor will show you the standard price of the deluxe air conditioner that fits your home. Then, he will show you the substantial savings you can take advantage of now, with no hidden costs. After the home energy analysis is complete, you’re under no obligation to make a purchase.
I am so confident these 68 systems are the best on the market that I will give you our 1-year 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not happy with the system I install, I will make any and all modifications — including replacement, if necessary.
The only reason I am offering this incredible discount is because of the “killer” months. Business always starts to improve in May, and when this happens I can begin to sell systems at standard pricing.
Give MoreVent a call now at 1-610-257-7702 and we will set an appointment for your no-obligation survey.
This offer is a win-win for you and me, and I hope you take advantage of it.