March 24, 2015

Why Community Sponsorships Are Great For Local Business

Supporting your local community by partnering with local non-profit organizations can help boost your business as it translates into better competitive positioning, and increased consumer good will.
If you want to get more involved with your community, but don’t know where to begin, below are 5 easy steps to get you started in the right direction.

Step 1 – What is important to your employees

Involving your employees in your charitable efforts promotes better company moral. If you allow them to participate in choosing particular organizations to get involved in will increase employee involvement. Ask your employees what is important to them.

Step 2 – How to chose an organization

Select an organization that relates in some way to the mission and vision of your company. Sticking with company values when choosing the organizations will also aid continuing those same values throughout your business.

Step 3 – Work together with organizations

Non-profit organizations have extensive experience in managing events that attract media coverage and community recognition and involvement. Let them run the show, but take a supportive role in each event or fund raiser you participate in guarantees your company will be asked to partner in future activities.

Step 4 – Cross Promotion

If you are a sponsor for an event, be sure to promote the event to your followers, friends and customers. The nonprofit will publicize and will mention you, but don’t overlook the opportunity to help promote the nonprofit you are working with and their efforts in bettering your community as well.

Step 5 – Employee encouragement

Encouraging your employees involvement by offering a paid day off for sponsored events or volunteering their time will again, build company moral and increase awareness of your brand throughout your community.
There are few things in this world that make you feel great than giving back to your community.
For instance, we work together with Chester Country organizations to foster a healthy community. Our desire to reinvest and reconnect with our local community contributes to a healthier society.
Ways MoreVent Supports Community Sponsorships:
At MoreVent, Chester Country sponsorships are a way for us to continue building an ethical business reputation in the community that’s already given us so much.
Below are just some examples of our support for the local West Chester, PA community:

  • We sponsor the West Chester United Soccer Club.
  • For every Luxaire System we install, a portion of each purchase goes to the Make- A-Wish foundation.
  • We sponsor high school signs at the following high schools:
    • Garnet Valley High School
    • Unionville High School
    • Rustin High School
    • West Chester East High School

If you have questions about a Chester County, Delaware County or Montgomery County, PA sponsorship or you would like to inquire about a community sponsorship, contact MoreVent today.

  • Chester County: 610.431.1616
  • Delaware County: 610.565.9999
  • Montgomery County: 610.879.0511

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