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It may be simple to those of us in our industry, but MoreVent understands that the average homeowner may not understand air conditioning basics.
You air conditioner has an inside and an outside section. The inside section is called an evaporator coil. The outside section is called a condenser. When you’re mowing the grass and you walk by the air conditioner, you might feel hot air coming off of the unit. That’s not really hot air coming out of your home. You are feeling an energy exchange.
In simple terms, your system is pumping a cold liquid called a refrigerant through the inside section of the air conditioner. The air is blown through that mechanism and the heat from your home gets transferred though the refrigerant. At the same time, the system is dehumidifying, which is the removal of moisture.
The number one function of an air conditioner is to dehumidify the air in your home. Air is moved three to four times an hour through the system. As this takes place, a dehumidification function is happening. If the system is operating properly, it’ll dehumidify your home to a comfortable level.
Once the air leaves the evaporator coil or the inside section of the AC, it’s coming out of the registers nice and cool to the homeowner. That refrigerant then gets pumped outside as a hot vapor. It goes through the outside condensing coil and there’s a fan there that’s rotating at a fast pace. The heat of the refrigerant is what we feel is coming off the top of the unit.
So your machine isn’t necessarily pulling air from inside your home and putting it to the outside; it’s actually an exchange of energy that’s taking place. Basically, your system has to be able to do two things: dehumidify and lower temperatures.
The good news is: it’s our job to know about your system! Once you’re enrolled in our Club Membership program, you’ll receive annual servicing from MoreVent to make sure your system is up to speed and working properly. If you want to find out more, be sure to call us at 1-610-257-7702.