July 20, 2018

Save Energy and Money with a Programmable Thermostat

Shoot. You forgot to set the thermostat before you left for work, didn’t you? With your busy schedule, how are you supposed to remember to adjust it every day? Wouldn’t it be better if the thermostat could just do it on its own?
Well, it can. With a programmable thermostat, the days of forgetting to set the thermostat and wasting energy (and money!) are over. You can come home from work to a comfortable temperature, and you can open that electric bill without worrying about a high bill.
Why should I get a programmable thermostat?
If your electric bill is high during, if you forget to adjust your thermostat before you leave the house, or if you’re just lazy, there’s a programmable thermostat out there that’s perfect for you.
A programmable thermostat is popular because of how much money and energy it can save. It will automatically adjust the temperature while you’re at work from 9-5, and then it will make sure the house temperature is back to normal for you when you get home. You save energy and money without sacrificing your comfort.
Another advantage of a programmable thermostat is that it eliminates having to remember to reset it all the. time. Did you forget to change the temperature before you left? No problem, it will take care of itself.
Programmable vs. Smart Thermostat
Smart thermostats are a step above the programmable models, because these thermostats require minimal programming. Instead of programming your schedule, some smart thermostats can learn your schedule after just a few days.
Smart thermostats allow you to monitor and control your house from anywhere, because, of course, there’s an app for that. You can adjust it from anywhere by using your phone, and you even get alerts when your system needs maintenance.
One thing’s for sure: you’ll have a hard time feeling dumb when you’ve got a smart thermostat in your home. So stop stressing over the thermostat in your home, and let us help you find the perfect thermostat. Give us a call or schedule your next appointment online.

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